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Last 30 days closing prices
ATHEX does not provide an opening value for indices. The opening price shown on the diagram is calculated from the opening prices of the index's constituent stocks within five-minutes from opening (see the calculation method here).

30 days closing prices

Date Price Chg.% Volume Value Max Min Market Cap Week chg.% Month chg.% Year chg.%
Jul 22, 2024 14,305.7 0.44 964,356 326,961.15 14,380.96 14,242.83 689,387,386 0.44 6.40 52.97
Jul 19, 2024 14,242.83 0.79 1,393,551 639,657.19 14,262.28 14,049.24 686,358,002 0.66 5.93 52.30
Jul 18, 2024 14,131.19 0.04 605,366 250,256.49 14,209.22 14,102.36 680,978,057 -0.13 5.10 51.10
Jul 17, 2024 14,125.26 -0.47 1,541,911 320,917.44 14,215.39 14,092.68 680,692,361 -0.17 5.06 51.04
Jul 16, 2024 14,192.16 0.68 1,373,669 657,933.12 14,207.27 13,986.38 683,915,967 0.30 5.56 51.75
Jul 15, 2024 14,096.51 -0.38 914,876 633,312.14 14,173.12 14,063.07 679,306,659 -0.38 4.84 50.73
Jul 12, 2024 14,149.97 -0.77 2,142,136 564,094.08 14,289.31 14,128.04 681,882,696 2.99 5.24 51.30
Jul 11, 2024 14,259.24 -0.18 2,076,773 437,993.99 14,332.11 14,157.32 687,324,497 3.78 6.06 52.47
Jul 10, 2024 14,284.49 1.41 2,773,603 739,052.03 14,288.46 14,086.35 688,541,220 3.97 6.24 52.74
Jul 9, 2024 14,086.35 1.69 2,986,441 677,866.15 14,114.71 13,833.08 678,990,741 2.53 4.77 50.62
Jul 8, 2024 13,851.78 0.82 1,504,188 269,693.35 13,901.29 13,739.39 667,684,006 0.82 3.02 48.11
Jul 5, 2024 13,739.39 0.38 556,013 160,565.72 13,811.55 13,687.43 662,266,617 2.63 2.19 46.91
Jul 4, 2024 13,687.43 1.45 663,050 256,335.47 13,748.92 13,491.66 659,761,855 2.24 1.80 46.36
Jul 3, 2024 13,491.66 0.99 557,789 287,742.83 13,491.66 13,288.27 650,325,526 0.78 0.35 44.26
Jul 2, 2024 13,358.85 -0.64 614,526 314,220.75 13,585.85 13,276.89 643,923,522 -0.22 -0.64 42.84
Jul 1, 2024 13,445.1 0.43 944,520 391,965.27 13,498.18 13,378.65 648,081,352 0.43 0.00 43.77
Jun 28, 2024 13,387.71 0.97 1,487,373 412,825.47 13,421.6 13,180.5 645,314,977 -1.29 -6.29 43.15
Jun 27, 2024 13,259.4 -1.84 1,237,409 496,998.53 13,570.53 13,249.95 639,129,800 -2.24 -7.18 41.78
Jun 26, 2024 13,507.6 -0.57 1,443,063 408,643.23 13,639.24 13,438.88 651,093,536 -0.41 -5.45 44.43
Jun 25, 2024 13,585.4 0.16 664,899 271,666.24 13,773.49 13,487.17 654,844,133 0.16 -4.90 45.27
Jun 21, 2024 13,563.25 -0.43 1,592,277 331,137.07 13,674.36 13,470.57 653,776,208 -1.15 -5.06 45.03
Jun 20, 2024 13,622.02 -0.63 742,828 224,650.94 13,811.41 13,580.02 656,609,197 -0.72 -4.65 45.66
Jun 19, 2024 13,708.34 -0.10 666,156 272,067.6 13,810.15 13,678 660,769,614 -0.10 -4.04 46.58
Jun 18, 2024 13,722.1 0.99 1,169,245 444,970.13 13,848.16 13,546.89 661,433,287 0.00 -3.95 46.73
Jun 17, 2024 13,587.87 -0.97 1,595,743 501,563.37 13,853.11 13,377.97 654,963,135 -0.97 -4.88 45.29
Jun 14, 2024 13,721.45 -1.02 2,402,258 773,453.81 14,056.53 13,572.95 661,401,827 -3.65 -3.95 46.72
Jun 13, 2024 13,862.47 -2.11 4,543,073 1,176,706.56 14,160.62 13,802.4 667,646,888 -2.66 -2.96 48.23
Jun 12, 2024 14,160.62 0.49 694,795 421,055.76 14,174.64 13,973.68 682,006,514 -0.56 -0.88 51.42
Jun 11, 2024 14,091.15 -0.20 765,281 365,103.05 14,224.5 14,065.65 678,660,478 -1.05 -1.36 50.67
Jun 10, 2024 14,120 -0.85 826,613 444,931.05 14,257.88 13,965.97 680,050,140 -0.85 -1.16 50.98




Composite index



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