The main characteristics exhibited by the ABG Group insurance companies is a significant increase in profits for Agricultural Insurance and a considerable premium production increase achieved by Agricultural Life Insurance company, over the first four months of 2001 as compared to the respective period last year.

AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE Agricultural Insurance company accomplished a premium production increase of 8%, as compared to the corresponding period last year, and a significant reduction in 3rd party Liability premium participation in the Motor sector, over the Company's total production, which is expected to be limited to 50% as against 56% in the year 2000. The Company's profits show significant growth amounting to 12%, resulting from the final data collected over the first quarter. At the same time, the company continues its efforts in developing a sound portfolio with the promotion of special packages in the Motor and Fire Sector and its participation in high volume insurance, such as airports, large-scale works, etc. The new E.D.P. system is expected to be completed within the next two months, and it is considered one of the most modern systems operating in the country, which will also be utilized in e-commerce operations.

AGRICULTURAL LIFE Agricultural Life insurance company presented particularly positive premium production results over the first four months of 2001 as compared with the corresponding period last year. New production increased by over 60% while the total premium portfolio rose by approximately 25,9%. These figures show that the targets set for 2001 will be surpassed whilst profitability is expected to be slightly decreased compared to that of the past year. The great production increase originates from the sale of classic investment products as well as guaranteed capital products. This positive production course is expected to continue with the promotion of the innovated guaranteed surplus value LIFE plan (Hyperaxia Zois) , which has already been launched in the market. A new health insurance product will also be marketed soon. This product will offer health organization services through the company ?TOTAL CARE NETWORK?. It should also be noted that Agricultural Life Insurance Company participates in the share capital of TOTAL CARE NETWORK.

The Agricultural Insurance and Agricultural Life insurance companies continue to promote their investment plans effectively with regard to foreign investments (Romania · Germany), the expansion of their domestic operations (Bancassurance Company) and infrastructure projects such as E.D.P.


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