Issuer companies - New listings

Listing on the Athens Exchange is a strategic decision, since by becoming public a company can achieve:

  • An alternative way, beyond traditional bank loans, to finance the investment projects of companies providing access to competitive cost capital through the capital markets.  Additionally, listed companies have the advantage of using their shares instead of cash in order to finance their business synergies, mergers and acquisitions.
  • Easy access to the secondary market and established communication channels with the local and international investing community.
  • Enhancement of the company's reputation which contributes to:
  •  Business agreements, synergies and strategic co-operations.
  •  Internal organizational discipline
  •  Development of good relations with the authorities (Banks, Public Services) as well as the clients,
  •  Attraction of highly qualified personnel
  • Further improvement and effective management of the corporate culture due to the adoption of contemporary operational mechanisms and principles of transparency.
  • Continuous and up to date valuation of the company, through the daily trading of its shares.

For more information relative to the listing requirements and the listing procedure in the ATHEX markets, visit section :FUNCTIONS / INTRODUCTION. 


Registry services

ATHEXCSD, acting as a Central Securities Depository (CSD), according to law 3756/2009, provides for the following service:

Creation of Issuer's Account
Concerns New listed companies. The relevant documents are submitted to the Issuer Support Subdivision.

  • The service is offered free of charge.


Contact us

Listings Division 
Riga Evgenia, Account Manager
Zagka Asimina, Account Manager
+30 210 33 66 291  





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