New Listings Prospectuses
Asset Publisher
Laws and Regulations
Asset Publisher
Trading - Cash market
Transactions in ATHEX securities market take place through the ATHEX trading members. Only these Members have access to the securities trading system OASIS and consequently the ability of order entry.
ATHEX accepts as Members, investment services firms based in Greece or other member state of the European Union, under conditions. In this way ATHEX securities market and the Greek titles gain international visibility and are available to investors beyond the Greek frontiers.
Additionally, OASIS supports the operation of Market Making functionality. The Market Maker is responsible for the continuous quotes entry, for own account, in order to strengthen the liquidity of the stock or stocks whose market making has undertaken.
The order types that the system accepts are formed by three main characteristics: price, condition and duration.
Orders entered into OASIS by Members for the trading of securities are first ranked based on their price and then based on the time of their entry.
In accordance with art. 49 of MiFID II and RTS 11, ESMA requires mandatory tick size for securities & ETFs.
The minimum tick size for each instrument is determined as a function of price and liquidity according to the Table in the Annex to RTS 11, except for ETFs which have all been included in the most liquid category and for which the tick size will solely be a function of price.
Finally, all the transferable securities listed in ATHEX, are traded with a trading unit of one (1) share.
- HCMC - Hellenic Capital Market Commission
- HBA - Hellenic Bank Association
- ΣΕΠΕΥ - Σύνδεσμος Εταιρειών Παροχής Επενδυτικών Υπηρεσιών
- SMEXA - Association of Members of the Athens Exchange
- BoG - Bank of Greece
- ESMA - European Securities Markets Authority
- ECSDA - European Central Securities Depositories Association
- HFAMA - Hellenic Fund and asset Management Association
- FESE - Federation of European Stock Exchanges
- WFE - World Federation of Exchanges
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