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Stock Markets Steering Committee of Hellenic Exchanges - Athens Stock Exchange

June 20th, 2024
Stock Markets Steering Committee of Hellenic Exchanges - Athens Stock Exchange


The Athens Stock Exchange, following its Stock Markets Steering Committee session of 20/06/2024, approved the amendments of the ATHEX Resolution 22, according to the following:

  • The provisions of the ATHEX Resolution 22 are updated, concerning the NON - availability of order types Market (MKT) and At The Open (ATO) in ATHEX Bond Markets (Regulated Securities and Alternative).

The above changes will be effective from the trading of 25th of June 2024.


Download the Press Release




About Athens Exchange Group

The Athens Stock Exchange since its establishment in 1876, consistently participate in the financial and business developments in the country.

Athens Exchange Group (ATHEX Group), provides support to the Greek Capital Market. ATHEX Group operates the organized Equities and Derivatves markets, the alternative market and performs clearing and settlement of trades.

The Athens Stock Exchange, through its markets, offers solutions and financing tools to businesses, expands investor choice by providing a safe, stable and easy environment in full alignment with international practices and the European regulatory framework. It has held the ISO 22301:2012 international standard for Business Continuity, for all its companies, including all its operations as well as the products & services it provides.

In a period that the role of stock markets in exploring alternative ways of financing business, at a European level, is significantly enhanced, the Athens Exchange Group has taken a series of initiatives to highlight the attractiveness of the Greek Capital Market and the Greek companies to the international investment community and expand the variety of investment opportunities.

Its shares are traded on the Main Market of the Athens Stock Exchange (Symbol: EXAE).

The profiles of the ATHEX Group and its markets can be downloaded from the link. More information can be found in the website

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