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Securities Corporate Actions
Τhe 159,488 new (CR) shares of the company "PROFILE SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE S.A." (GRS472003011) start trading on the ATHEX following the recent share capital increase due to the Stock Option Plan, exercised by 14 executives of the company, at an issue price of €0.85 per share. On December 27, 2024, the total number of the company's listed shares amounts to 24,745,934 (CR) shares.
Τhe shares of the company "BRIQ PROPERTIES REIC" (GRS517003000) are traded on the Athens Stock Exchange without the right to participate in the share capital increase due to the merger by acquisition of the listed company "INTERCONTINENTAL INTERNATIONAL REIC". The shares΄ exchange ratio is the following: (i) each shareholder of the company "INTERCONTINENTAL INTERNATIONAL REIC" exchanges each 1 old (CR) share held with 1.19444444444444 new (CR) share of the company "BRIQ PROPERTIES REIC" and (ii) The shareholders of the company "BRIQ PROPERTIES REIC" retain the number of shares held. It is clarified, according to article 2.6.3. of the ATHEX Rulebook and to decisions No 22 & 26 of the ATHEX BoD, as in effect, that the fluctuation price limits of the share price only for the trading session on December 27, 2024, are set as follows: +30% at the closing share price of the ATHEX last trading session (23/12/2024): €2.1700 and -30% at the adjusted start share price: €2.1600.
The trading of the shares of the company "INTERCONTINENTAL INTERNATIONAL R.E.I.C." (GRS516003001) ceases due to the merger by acquisition from the company "BRIQ PROPERTIES REIC" (GRS517003000), following the decisions of the companies' General Meetings. On December 23, 2024, the relevant decision of the Ministry of Development and Investments, regarding the aforementioned merger, was registered at the General Commercial Registry (G.E.MI.) with registry no. 5110800/23.12.2024.