Publication of Results of the 'Euro Money Market 2003'

In the context of the regular monitoring activities of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), market experts from the European Central Bank (ECB) and from the national central banks of the European Union have conducted on an annual basis since 1999 an analysis of euro area money market developments. The results of the last study were published on 7 November 2003 in the report entitled 'Euro Money Market Study 2002'.

The ESCB will pursue the annual survey, albeit not publishing a full study every year. However, the ECB is making public in the meantime a set of charts presenting the data of the 2003 survey as an annex to the previous study. This set of charts, entitled 'Euro Money Market Study 2003', is being published on the ECB's website today.

Download the Money Market Study 2003.


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