Financial Results of S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. for the nine months of 2005

15.7% increase in Sales and 21.7% in Profits before taxes S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. sales and profits before taxes marked increases of 15.7% and 21.7% respectively, in the nine months period (January-September) of 2005, compared to the corresponding period of 2004. More specifically, consolidated sales of the S&B Group reached Euro 321.36 million versus Euro 277.68 million and profits before taxes amounted to Euro 27.43 million compared to Euro 22.54 million in the same nine month-period of the previous year. Moreover, EBITDA increased by 19.2%, amounting to Euro 49.4 million versus Euro 41.44 million. In the Industrial Minerals sector, representing about 80% of the Group's turnover, the sales increase in January-September 2005 was 23% (Euro 254.4 million from Euro 206.74 million), and the EBITDA increase was 26.7% (Euro 43.89 million versus Euro 34.65 million). This growth is attributed to the acquisition of STOLLBERG, in late June 2004, but also to organic sales growth and competitiveness improvement of the industrial minerals sector. In the Commercial Activities sector (MOTODYNAMICS S.A. and ERGOTRAK S.A.) for the nine months of 2005, sales reached Euro 66.95 million versus Euro 70.93 million in the corresponding period of 2004, marking a decrease of 5.9%. S&B's Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Efthimios Vidalis, referring to the Group's financial results for the period January-September 2005, stated: "the Group's 9-month 2005 results demonstrate the growth strategy we are pursuing, which includes both carefully examined acquisitions, as well as organic growth in our predominant industrial minerals sector, all for the benefit of our shareholders".

The financial statements of S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. will be published on Tuesday, November 29th, at the newspaper "IMERISSIA".


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