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Asset Publisher
Laws and Regulations
Asset Publisher
Hellenic Central Securities Depository S.A. (ATHEXCSD), member of Athens Stock Exchange Group (ATHEXGROUP) from 12/4/2021 provides among others, the following CSD registry services, as described by the ATHEXCSD Regulations and Decisions of the ATHEXCSD Board of Directors:
- Information provision
- Changes in Investor Share reference data
- OTC transfers
- Transfers due to inheritance
- Pledges
- Usufructs
- Special Services
ATHEXCSD provides services to the public from the offices in Athens, in the following alternative ways:
1. Via DSS Participants, electronically through JIRA Service Desk/Registry services. In applications where personal data is provided, the attestation of the originality of the beneficiary's signature is required through the "Digital document attestation - ( )" service or by an administrative authority (KEP, Police, Municipality, etc.). Also, in the application it is necessary that the beneficiary has specified the sending of the requested data to the Participant ("By sending via JIRA Service Desk to the Participant").
2. Via email at In applications where personal data is provided, the attestation of the original signature of the beneficiary is required through the "Digital document attestation - ( )" service. It is noted that the documents to be validated in order to be accepted in service must be in pdf/A format.
3. Via post-office or courier service, sending all required application forms and attachments to the address:
Hellenic Central Securities Depository S.A.
Accounts & Registry Services Department
110 Athinon Avenue, 104 42 Athens
In applications where personal data is provided, the attestation of the originality of the beneficiary's signature is required by an administrative authority (KEP, Police, Municipality, etc.).
4. Via physical presence of the beneficiary or his authorized representative at the offices of ATHEXCSD (110 Athens Street, 10442 Athens), after an appointment (tel. +30 2103366776, opening hours 09:00-17:00).
5. Via telephone (+30) 210 336 6776 (09:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday)
Instructions for the payment process of corresponding fees for the provided services
1. The payment of corresponding fees for submitted requests at ATHEXCSD is carried out by depositing the total amount to one of the company's following bank accounts (with the name or surname of the beneficiary concerned in the reason of the deposit) and immediate sending of the proof of deposit via email at
Bank Accounts for ATHEXCSD services provided through application forms AIT007, AIT011, AIT018, AIT019, AIT025, AIT026, AIT049, AIT051E, AIT053E and AIT099:
ALPHA | GR3801401010101002002063823 | CRBAGRAAXXX |
NBG | GR1501100410000004147205043 | ETHNGRAA |
EUROBANK | GR5602600070000980200125016 | ERBKGRAA |
PIRAEUS | GR8401729300005930069616581 | PIRBGRAA |
2. It should be noted that Legal Entities which are located in EU countries carrying out intra-community transactions are exempted from VAT payment, as long as they are subscribed in the Value Added Tax Information Exchange (VIES) system, as well as foreign legal entities from third countries that carry out transactions outside of the intra-community system for trading goods
- HCMC - Hellenic Capital Market Commission
- HBA - Hellenic Bank Association
- ΣΕΠΕΥ - Σύνδεσμος Εταιρειών Παροχής Επενδυτικών Υπηρεσιών
- SMEXA - Association of Members of the Athens Exchange
- BoG - Bank of Greece
- ESMA - European Securities Markets Authority
- ECSDA - European Central Securities Depositories Association
- HFAMA - Hellenic Fund and asset Management Association
- FESE - Federation of European Stock Exchanges
- WFE - World Federation of Exchanges
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